This American Life

Show Me The Way


David Rackoff wrote the piece called “Oh the places you will not go” in which a man becomes an insect and he is pleading for an unusual Doctor to offer some kind of treatment. During one such plea for help the insect says,

I write to you because I have heard of your brilliance and your keen appreciation for the absurdity of this world.

That single line, made me fall in love with the piece, that would have otherwise just be pleasant. I’m still not sure what to make of the line, but it has stuck with me as I now try to see the world through a lens with a keen appreciation for the absurd.

 First Contact


This podcast in one of my favorites as a whole. The stories are unique from each other, yet they all tie into that same foundational theme. This ability to incorporate a wide breadth of insight and content is something that I would like to replicate.